
“The awakening is the purpose. The awakening of the fact that in essence we are light, we are love. Each cell of our body, each cell and molecule of everything. The power source that runs all life is light. So to awaken to that knowledge, and to desire to operate in that realm, and to believe that it is possible, are all factors that will put you there.”

— DOLORES CANNON, The Convoluted Universe

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Beyond Quantum Healing

Beyond Quantum Healing is a heart-based healing modality that uses a guided meditation induction to access the hypnotic state that naturally occurs in meditation or between your sleep & awake cycles. This modality allows you to connect with your multi-dimensional self in a safe way through your subconscious mind. With your heart felt intention and questions, you may may recieve enlightening answers you've been seeking about your life, purpose, health, family, relationships, spirituality, past lives, etc. Any question you are seeking an answer to can be explored with BQH. Also, many receive healing from high-vibrational energies that can help you heal on any levels of your mind, body, and spirit. And often, people discover that situations in this life may bedirectly affected by a past life. And simply having this awareness brings a deep healing of current circumstances and relationships.

For more information on the process and preparation, feel free to explore this resource

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Dream Interpretation

Dream are messages that can give you tremendous insight into whats happening in your subconscious and the astral realms. Some dreams seem to have more impact, and often have the keys to unlock an expansion of your consciousness. Dream language speaks to us in symbols. Let me help you sort the important symbols from the background details to find the real message your are being given. Symbol meanings often have nuances, based on the context determined by what meaning is trying to reveal itself to you. I will also bring my intuitive gifts to aid in the process. If you discover a more accurate meaning of your dreams, you can gain a greater understanding of your life. From this deeper understanding, people often find their true purpose, which can truly make life the magical experience it’s meant to be.

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Meditation Coaching

Those of us who practice meditation live with expanded awareness. And our lives are infused with peace, creativity, and compassion. We’ve experienced transformation on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Learn to quickly relieve stress, quiet the mind, and be present in the now. Beyond that you can use it as a tool for deep introspection. You can observe your mind and learn to discern what are your thoughts or external programs or influences. With that comes a deep connection to your true ‘Being-ness’. the beautiful thing is meditation can meet you where ever you are at right now. I would love to be the one to make the introduction. I draw upon techniques from both a theravada Buddhist tradition and my metaphysical energy work training. By working with you, we can work through some common obstacles people face in the beginning. If you are experienced in meditation already, I can coach you through to a deeper level in your practice that you‘ve been seeking.

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Spiritual & Energy Coaching

spiritual and energy coaching is being offered as an in depth one-on-one guidance to help you go deeper on your spiritual and energetic journey. Spirituality is a process of becoming authentic and coming to know your true inner self. When you truly know yourself, then are fully present to know the true God/Source/Creator. This allows you to see the way things really are. You will come to understand that everything is made up of energy, frequency, and light. As you shed the dense layers of the false mind and identity, you will naturally begin to feel and sense that there is more. Or you may already be an empath are are seeking clarity on how to manage this sensitivity. Where ever you are, it would be my honor to be able to assist you on the path toward a deeper awakening.



After we discuss your session and we set up your appointment time, Your payment will serve as the confirmation for the appointment. Payment can be made with Bitcoin, Cash, or via Paypal (using the friends and family option). Let me know your preferred payment method, and I will send you the appropriate payment information.

For other payment methods, please feel free to inquire.

If you would like a session but aren’t able to afford the rates below, please contact me and we can discuss your situation and see if a reduced rate or other arrangement applies that can work for both us.


BQH Session


Online or in-person, this is designated for individuals to process and explore their healing goals.

3-4 hours | $333 | Get started


Meditation Coaching


Online or in-person, this session will help you with what you care most about and develop a plan for a practical path to expand your spiritual connection

Per Session 1-2 hours | $111 | Get started


Dream Interpretation


By email and on the phone, dream interpretation helps find the actual meaning behind your dream.

Per Dream | $55 | Get started


Spiritual & Energy Coaching


By phone and/or in person, with email only used to confirm meeting times and other basic questions. spiritual and energy coaching is an in depth one-on-one guidance to help you progress in a way unique and optimal to your energy.

Per Session 2-3 Hours | $222 | Get started


“It is time to awaken!” “You have a mission! It is time to begin!” “Stop wasting time! Time is growing short for you to accomplish what you came to Earth to do!”


Questions before getting started?