About Ben

I am passionate about working with energy and expanding my metaphysical knowledge. My purpose is to use this knowledge to help others on their spiritual path, including deep healing. Most recently I have become a certified Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner. Before that I had worked with Stuart Wilde for 5 years learning advanced metaphysical techniques. I had also been an assistant for several years with sacred ceremony and post ceremony integration. I am currently living in south west New Hampshire on the Vermont border. I love the landscape here and the purity of the forests near me. When I am not doing creative or healing work, I’m getting out to connect with Gaia as much as I can. Sometimes it’s with meditation, or other times it’s through exploring and hiking. Keeping life simple and finding that zero point is a daily priority.

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A life with purpose

As they say, healing is an inside job. I am here to help you go inward and get in touch with the real you inside. True spirituality is the process of becoming authentic and real. There are no shortcuts, but it’s a journey that is infinitely rewarding. When you get to the core of who you truly are, you stand in your true power. I have had a variety of life experiences, both the good and the bad. As my life has become balanced, I embrace these experience as a well of wisdom from which to draw upon to help others.


The frequency of Love is my favorite teacher

It’s essential for me that you get practical suggestions on how to utilize esoteric knowledge in your everyday life. Through my coaching work, I share disciplines and exercises that will help you live your life in an empowered way. A little effort can go a long way if you exert the force in a conscious way. Together we will find what works for you in your journey to expand your personal power.


An Attitude of Gratitude

Being thankful for what I have and what I am isn’t something I was born with. It wasn’t even something I was necessarily taught growing up. I had to learn this. I was joking with a friend about how late in life I learned to be fully present with gratitude for this life. I jokingly said “I was a late bloomer”, but I meant that. The beautiful thing is it’s never too late to learn. And what you discover is that what you want to become is already there inside of you. We are all the eternally blooming lotus. Some days I may be a less than perfect lotus, but still an ever expanding lotus nonetheless.



I have been a life long empath. This doesn’t mean I always understood what I what I was feeling and the energies behind it. I had years of not feeling comfortable half the time. Finally after not being happy trying to fit into tick-tock life, I began the search for the deeper meaning. I had nudges from my guides along the way as well, which I could no longer ignore. In 2009 I got rid of everything I owned and dove into my journey with everything I had. Now 11 years later I feel comfortable with just ‘being’, in touch with who I truly am. My knowledge of the energy behind things is ever increasing, and that makes the navigating the seen and unseen worlds a little easier. There is a lesson in everything. Whether through a BQH session where I remain a neutral facilitator to your own healing, or an active coach, I can share techniques and advice on how you can navigate your world. Whether you are newly awakened seeking guidance, or an experienced traveler needing a fresh perspective, i look forward to connecting with you. I also assist with those going through spiritual emergencies with practical steps for managing a kundalini or other experience.

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