Do you feel stagnant? Do you have a block that is holding you back? Or do you have unanswered questions that you need help finding answers to? Using Meditation, Spiritual & Physical discipline, and energy work, you can make significant changes to improve your life. Action is energy in motion, and you are the one to get things moving. But sometimes we need some help getting the energy moving in a better direction. That’s where i’d like to help. Once you are ready to move forward, I will assist you to take the next steps on the journey to living your best life. From a deeper spiritual connection to actionable steps, together we can shape a framework to bring in the healing and empowerment you are seeking. There is no formula. There is no easy answer. The Journey is personal. It can be hard at first, but the rewards are exponential. There is no time to waste. Take the first step.


Meditation Coaching


Dream Interpretation

Energy Coaching

Welcome to River of Light Healing.

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About Ben

Hello, my name is Ben Beaudoin. I am passionate about working with energy and expanding my metaphysical knowledge. My purpose is to use this knowledge to help others on their spiritual path, including deep healing. Most recently I have become a certified Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner. Before that I had worked with Stuart Wilde for 5 years learning advanced metaphysical techniques. I had also been an assistant for several years with sacred ceremony and post ceremony integration. I am currently living in south west New Hampshire on the Vermont border. I love the landscape here and the purity of the forests near me. When I am not doing creative or healing work, I’m getting out to connect with Gaia as much as I can. Sometimes it’s with mediation, or other times it’s through exploring and hiking. Keeping life simple and finding that zero point is a daily priority.

You are Safe and in good hands

Healing happens best when you can be in your heart space and not stuck in the lower chakras. A spiritual process is one of going beyond our ego and fears. This is not always an easy process. A feeling of security is an important part of our working together. any time from voice any concerns you may have. A strong spiritual foundation is more important than the speed at which your healing occurs. We are eternal beings. We have time to do good work.

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Certified BQH Practitioner

Beyond Quantum Healing was started by Candace Craw Goldman. A long time student and assistant to Dolores Cannon, the very respected creator of QHHT and Author of numerous books documenting her practice and quantum investigations.


In Person or Online sessions

Whatever level of interaction that you need is up to you. It’s important that you feel safe and comfortable, so that your environment is exactly what you need for your healiing. For in person sessions, the exact address will be given after your appointment is confirmed.

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“Water is the mirror that has the ability to show us what we cannot see. It is the blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single, postive thought. All it takes is faith if you are open to it.”

— Dr. Masaru Emoto

The blog

An approach to Meditation

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The Mantis Beings

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A Messenger from Source

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The Power Of Mantras

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